Shannon Kehoe
Ambassador for Germany,
Women in AI
Shannon Kehoe is the Women in AI Ambassador for Germany. After earning a BS in International Affairs and Modern Languages & a minor in Economics from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Shannon started her career in ecommerce analytics with The Home Depot. From there, she moved to Koch Industries where she continued her work in data science and started her MS in Analytics at Georgia Tech. Upon completion of her masters degree, Shannon moved to Frankfurt am Main, Germany to work as a data scientist. Since moving to Frankfurt, Shannon has applied her skills in the telecommunications, banking, finance and ecommerce sectors at both startups and large, established firms. She currently volunteers for Women in AI as the Ambassador for Germany, and works for Cleverbridge as the director of artificial intelligence.
23-May-2024AI & DATA SCIENCE THEATREWorkshop: Introduction to Ethics in (Gen)AI